A Letter From The Editor "Be Glorious!"

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Hello my fellow Cupids,

The other night, deep into the festivities of Halloween here in West Hollywood, a funny thing happened. Just after midnight, the skies opened up and it began pouring rain.

I say funny because we have been in a major drought and have not seen a drop of rain like this for a very long time- like months. It's been unsually warm and hot, even as the rest of the country has begun to expereince the first signs of cold weather.

The rain poured all night, it was relentless. Masses of Skanky Devils, Sexy Football players and Zombies were in a mad scramble to find shelter. It was a hot mess!

The next morning, I woke to find perfect, clear blue skies and crisp cool fall weather.

Just like that, on the first day of November, we welcomed fall to the west coast.

Relationships are just like this. Unpredictable with long spans of time inbetween. But, when they finally arrive, they pour down on you heavy. Making up for all the lost time.

"As the seasons change and many of us begin to take inventory of the efforts we made to go from single to taken, I remind you all to go easy on yourself."

If you are still single, who cares! Love is not a race, it's a journey of self discovery and the attration of another person to you and all your glory. So I beg of you, take this time to be glorious!

As we ring in the holidays, make this season be the one that celebrates your individuality. Throw away all the self doubt, the fear and yes even the occasional bouts of jadedness.

Love will happen. Until then, live your life, be glorious.

Till next month,
