Around this time of year, holiday advertisers and marketers have their sights set on very specific groups people: families, couples and adorable pets who somehow love to wear sweaters.
Their victims? Single women.
Guys- they don't care. In fact, the holidays mean that they may finally get into some random girl's pants because she's had one too many gingerbread martinis!
But for single women its a full blown visual and audio assult on our hearts! With every engagement ring commercial that repeats during my Hulu marathons, torturing me about the coupled life that I am supposed to lead, it gets harder and harder for me to question my reality.
But not this holiday season, I'm taking an oath to not second guess myself and to encourage all of you single ladies to join me! Let's push back against what those sneaky marketers think they know about us, what we want and what we need.
"Here are 5 tips on how to be like Beyonce and be the BOSS Lady of your holidays!"
Tip #1:Shopping is an opportunity to indulge for yourself.
Buy yourself something you would typically never purchase. Who makes your money? You do right? So you have the right to spend it however you want. When you die you're not taking your money with you- so have some fun. Be your own boyfriend and get yourself what you would typically want someone to buy you. When you become what you need, you won't settle for someone who doesn't fit all your requirements. The only thing us girls should ever settle for are a hot yet uncomfortable are a sexy pair of high heels- NOT a relationship.
Tip #2: Sexy Lingerie, GET IT.
Okay so you may not have someone to "wear it for" but why not be your own audience? Indulge in something naughty as you anticipate that in the next months you may have someone to show it off to. Life doesn't start AFTER you have a relationship- it starts right now- set the precedent.
Tip #3: Work out. That's right I said it, work out.
We are NOT eating 3 fruit cakes singing Celine Dion's "All By Myself" this year ladies. Working out gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy- why not go for a run and visualize to the music what you foresee yourself doing in 2016. Start to change your train of thought and soon you will see your life follow.
Tip #4: The Airport Pick Up
Okay, I know the movie "Love Actually" made airport pick ups seem super romantic but lets face it, it usually turns out to be a crazy game of "Where are you? I'm waiting at curbside!?"
This past weekend I indulged in a limo picking me up at the airport and it was FANTASTIC! I'm not saying you have to blow your life's savings, but have some sort of luxurious pick up the next time you take a trip! You are the boss of your own life- now treat yourself like a CEO.
Tip #5: Go out & CELEBRATE!
The fact is, you are not buying into what you are told you are supposed to do, you are living your own independant life. You haven't survived bad dates to settle for someone mediocre. You haven't overcome heartbreak to settle for someone who doesn't give you the butterflies- you are living your life on your terms and all of that is worth more than a diamond ring.
So gather your very best friends, put on a little black dress and get your gorgeous face out there and celebrate you.
The you who survived heartbreak, the you who is an independant and the you who is beautiful woman inside and out. Celebrating yourself is the greatest honor you can experience.
Go get 'em Boss Lady!
Davina Adjani
I was once told to stop writing and find something I'm good at and I have been writing ever since. I am a San Franciscan in Los Angeles who secretly loves it,a Frasier fanatic obsessed with country music and French Bulldogs. Within five minutes of talking to me you will know all about my family,who are my absolute everything. I live my life fully and honestly, and refuse to be confined by the fear that my intentions maybe misinterpreted. My Oma (grandmother) raised me to believe that love should always be a priority but most importantly, loving yourself is essential in this crazy world and with that in everything I write, I try to give the medicine of reality sugar coated with a sense of humor, hoping that through the toughest of times women know not only do they have the strength to overcome any obstacle but how spectacular they truly are.